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TCB Corporation and Countybank add new Board Member

TCB Corporation and Countybank are proud to welcome W. Wesley McMullan to the TCB Corporation Board of Directors and Countybank Board of Directors. His responsibilities in joining the Board of Directors include directing the organization’s overall affairs, establishing strategic direction, and setting policy.

Mr. McMullan has more than 33 years of experience serving Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (FHLBank Atlanta) in a number of executive-level positions. As President and CEO of FHLBank Atlanta, he directed the bank’s overall performance, including developing the long-term strategic plan, annual business plans, and operating policies. Mr. McMullan previously served as Executive Vice President where he oversaw asset liability management, member sales and trading, and financial operations management. Mr. McMullan has extensive expertise in SEC regulatory compliance, asset and liability management, government and regulatory relations, portfolio management, derivative expertise, and financial operations/systems integration.

“I am honored to announce the election of Wesley McMullan to the TCB Corporation Board of Directors and the Countybank Board of Directors,” said R. Thornwell Dunlap III, Chairman of the TCB Corporation Board of Directors and Countybank Board of Directors. “Our organization will benefit greatly from the knowledge and expertise that Mr. McMullan brings to our Board. We look forward to benefiting from his counsel.”

Mr. McMullan holds a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and served on the Board of Directors as Vice Chair of FHLBank’s Office of Finance and Vice Chair of Pentegra, Inc. He has also had numerous speaking engagements at state banking functions and with the U.S. Treasury, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve, and state banking regulators.

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