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Six Strategies for Increasing Self-Love


“If you don’t see your worth, you will always choose people who don’t see it either. When your self-esteem rises, your life follows. – Mandy Hale 

I find Mandy Hale’s comment particularly relevant for those in a professional environment.


Because with low self-worth you will also choose experiences, employers, and clients who don’t see your value, landing you in toxic work environments and professional relationships too.  

Self-love has garnered a lot of visibility in the past several years. And for good reason! With the rise of social media, we often find ourselves comparing our lives to others and opening up ourselves to internet trolls. Since most of us can’t avoid social altogether because we leverage our personal brands in our careers, what can we do to ensure our self-love game stays strong? 

I recommend a solid self-love practice! Today, I’m sharing 6 strategies I’ve used and recommend to my clients regularly. 


Prioritize Your Health:  We have nothing if we don't have our health, so we can show ourselves love by taking care of ourselves, whether this is physical activity or scheduling that doctor’s appointment we’ve been putting off. Health also requires us to examine the food and beverages we intake on a regular basis. And even getting rest will be helpful for those workaholics out there. 

Feel Your Emotions: A lot of women (especially those of us that are Type A) try to bottle up their emotions. But that's just telling ourselves our feelings don't matter. That's no way to show yourself love and compassion. Instead, I want to invite you to feel all the feels, without shutting yourself away for days. You can set a timer for 5 min and allow yourself to have a full-on pity party and at the end of 5 minutes ask yourself, "Now what am I going to do about this situation... so you transition to action.  

Say Daily Affirmations: Have a few positive statements that you can say to yourself to boost your confidence and express gratitude for yourself. I am beautiful. I am who God says I am. I am talented and capable of figuring out the next step. Make this a daily practice to engrain these positive thoughts. Over time these thoughts will influence your actions, resulting in a higher self-confidence and deeper self-love.  

Take Time for Recreation: We need to be having more fun! Life is too short. Choose a hobby that you enjoy and get it in the calendar. As adults we generally don't prioritize time with friends, so having activities that fill your cup that you can do with a friend will help you strengthen those relationships and feed your soul. Ex. Book club, playing tennis, going on hikes together

Reduce Social Media Use: I’m sure you’ve heard this before and brushed it off. 2023 study looking at psychological well-being and the use of Instagram and TikTok found that these apps raised depression and anxiety. Perhaps, because social media causes us to compare ourselves to others. I see it in my female clients all the time. When they remove social media apps from their phone or take designated breaks they all cite feeling happier. So, I encourage you to try a detox from social media. It could be 24 hours, 3 days or an entire month. Just think of all the other things you'll be able to do with that free time, like take care of your health and have some recreation. 

Embrace Support: We don’t have to do everything on our own. When we allow others to help us, we feel their love and compassion for us. It can be a very heartwarming experience. It can strengthen friendships and reduce that friendship anxiety we talked about, because we see that the friendships are stronger than we give credit. Sometimes surrendering to others is the best way to show ourselves love. Because you're allowing someone else to pour into you and telling yourself you're worthy of that support. 

Incorporating these six strategies into your daily routine can significantly enhance your self-love and improve your overall well-being. By loving yourself more deeply, you’ll attract the right people, opportunities, and experiences into your life. So, take the first step today, because you are truly worthy of love, success, and happiness.

Karin Freeland is a certified Life Coach focused on helping women transform their careers and achieve their dreams by combining the lessons she learned in her 15 years in the corporate sector with her hundreds of hours coaching. Award-winning author of “Grab Life by the Dreams“ and podcast host of “Rock Your Reinvention,” learn more about her and her company Karin Freeland Coaching & Consulting, LLC at

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