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Leadership Profile: Chris Cole


Updated: Apr 30, 2024

Chris Cole is the co- founder of MD Care Group, a company based in the Upstate, and one of the nation’s leading virtual first care businesses. Celebrating 10 years in 2024, MD Care Group has grown to cover all 50 states with a network of more than 200 groups. MD Care is a comprehensive digital health technology company providing a personalized and practice approach to complete virtual care. This platform provides access to a full spectrum of physicians, multispecialty physicians, dermatologists, clinicians, therapists and medical support staff, all committed to delivering the most comprehensive and complete medical care through out every stage of a person’s health journey.

It does this through two business models: Straight to consumer, and increasingly more working with insurance agencies and business owners. MD Care Group is often used to augment insurance packages that allow businesses and users to offset the rising cost of healthcare.

Chris Cole recently answered some questions from The Greenville Blog on what leadership means to him.


What does leadership mean to you? 

Leadership is the ability to influence and then lead by example.


How has the idea of leadership changed over the years of your career? 

In the beginning my idea of leadership was to get into the trenches and help others achieve their goals or be successful. But what I realized was I wanted it more for them than they did. It is like the saying: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. 


In your opinion, are certain people born natural leaders or can you train someone to be a great leader? The best way for me to answer this question is with an example. Two musicians play the same piece, both play the correct notes, dynamics and technical skills. But to the listener, one plays the notes and the other makes music. I think someone can become a great leader with education, training, experience and etc., but the person born with natural traits may possibility have an advantage.


Tell us about one leader who inspired  you early in your career?

 Napoleon Hill


What is the difference between a boss and a leader? Are they interchangeable?

In very simple terms, a boss instructs people what to do, while a leader inspires people to do things. I believe they are interchangeable. 


In simpler terms, a boss instructs people on their tasks while a leader motivates people to desire to perform those tasks.


What is the biggest attribute that a leader needs?



Any personal quote you can share on leadership? 

Lead by example while remaining authentic to yourself.



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