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Kopis to help host first TechSlam ‘N Eggs in Greenville


GREENVILLE, S.C.— Tech developers, entrepreneurs and consultants from across the Southeast will be attending the first Flywheel TechSlam ‘N Eggs to be held in South Carolina.

TechSlam will be held on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at Furman’s University’s Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the One North Main Building in downtown Greenville. This will be the first time that Greenville is hosting the event and Kopis has played a key part in bringing it here.

The new event is a peer-to-peer event for the develop community. TechSlam sessions are led by two to four CTOs or lead developers as they lift the hood on their tech stacks and discuss discoveries, insights, and challenges they overcame.

The two speakers anchoring the first TechSlam event will be Javier Buzzalina, Senior Vice Prsident of Engineering for Hexagon, and Josh Folks, software developer at Kopis. Folks will be presenting on the use of mobile animations in development.

“I am excited to be part of the kickoff event for TechSlam in Greenville,” said Folks. “There is a large community of developers here and this event will provide a great opportunity for us to connect as peers.”

Flywheel is a North Carolina-based co-working space that plans to open its first location in The Crescent Startup Community on Poinsett Highway this fall. It will feature 40 private office suites, several coworking areas, a large event space and seminar rooms, and a social commons with espresso and a stocked beverage bar in its 23,000 square feet. Other amenities include a fitness center, an outdoor gathering space and covered entertainment venue.

“Greenville’s tech and innovation industry is on the rise,” said Andrew Kurtz, the CEO of Kopis, one of the Southeast’s premier software developers. “TechSlam is an excellent way to spark more ideas and conversations in the region.”

You can find more information and register for the event at /


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