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A Writer at Heart10 Questions with Author Liz Williams


Simpsonville’s Liz Williams always enjoyed writing, but a book was never on her mind until she became a mother.

That is when she decided to put down in her own words how she overcame trauma, rediscovered her faith, and began to heal herself.

That led to Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, which was published in October. This 140-page book delves into how Williams confronted her painful past and jumped on a transformative spiritual journey that resonates with every woman seeking inspiration on their own paths of resilience.

This memoir also serves as a spiritual guide, featuring practical faith-based practices that Williams has found invaluable on her healing journey making it a unique combination of personal narrative and helpful tips.

Williams took some time to answer some questions from The Greenville Blog this week.

In your opinion, what’s the most rewarding part of working in your job and why?

Working in human resources allows me to help others reach their career goals and their human potential. It is incredibly rewarding to watch employees learn and advance their careers.

How did you start in your current job?

I started with my current employer at a plant level HR position. I have been blessed to grow with the company throughout my seven year career here and now hold a corporate position as the Director of Human Resources.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I went through different phases throughout my childhood. At one point I wanted to be an artist like my grandfather. When I was in late elementary school and middle school I wanted to play in the WNBA, but that did not work out. In high school, I developed an insatiable interest in human psychology and what drives human behavior. This interest was the inspiration for many of the concepts in my first book, Fearfully And Wonderfully Made, and the impetus for starting my therapy journey.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned and/or challenge you’ve faced in your career?

To be an inspirational leader you have to see people not as who they are but who they can be. People want to unite behind a value system; everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

What are your favorite things to do on your days off?

I enjoy curling up with a good book, going on a hike or run in nature, and cuddles with my Mini Bernedoodle, Rex.

What is one movie you’ve watched more than five times and why?

I am not sure I have watched a movie more than five times, but there are many episodes of The Office I have seen more than five times. It is my favorite show of all time; I find the characters so relatable and many of the office dynamics at play today. My husband knows that The Office is my antidote after a rough day, it always brings a smile to my face.

What are three books you would bring with you to a deserted island?

The Bible, Pride & Prejudice, and The Great Gatsby.

What are some of your favorite things to do in Greenville?

I enjoy going out for dinner and drinks with my husband, taking my children to Unity or Century Park, catching a football game, or taking an adventure downtown.

What makes you smile and why?

The kindness of humanity. As dark as the world can seem sometimes there are many people who actively try to lift others up and try to make the world a better place.

Tell us a funny story about you that most people don’t know?

My husband and I met on Tinder eight years ago. He is the sweetest, most caring man and an incredible father. There are good men on Tinder!


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